My specialty is creation of simple, effective, and beautiful visuals for user interfaces. I have a strong background in graphic and web site design, and currently do a great deal of work with data visualization. I also enjoy icon design, wireframing, and prototyping. My goal is to provide pixel perfect visual design as a part of a user experience design team. I have a reputation for creativity, flexibility, attention to detail, and strong work ethic.
I love interpreting complex data sets, concepts & ideas into clean design & layout using a rapid, iterative process, using combination of skills in graphic design, data analysis, cartography, and user experience design.
I am highly skilled and experienced with brand management, style guide creation, image optimization, budgeting, scheduling, logistics.
I am currently working at SugarCRM on customer relationship mamagement products.
Would you like to see more examples of visual design, data visualization, cartography, logo design, icon design, & branding standards? Contact me at:
Download a PDF version of my resume here
Customer Relationship Management Software
on assignment as a user experience designer with JP Morgan Chase. Check out one of my projects - UX design, interaction design and visual design for Chase Executive Connect
Transportation Engineers
Graphic and Web Site Design
Graphic design, web site design, and computer (2D & 3D) modeling
Human Factors & Ergonomics - User Interface Design
This site was created with Zurb's Foundation - thanks to the folks at Zurb for creating Foundation - a huge time saver for creating responsive sites.